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Threat on Agriculture: Horticulture industry is devastating honeybee in Central Oromia

Threat on Agriculture: Horticulture industry is devastating honeybee in Central Oromia - Dec 20, 2008 - The new floriculture industry in Ethiopia requires the use of chemicals, which is devastating to the bee farms and bee communities in the wild in central Oromia. Bees, by their very nature, are migratory insects whose disastrous result is the spread of toxic chemicals nationwide and eventually all over Ethiopia.

An Oromo beekeeper for more than 20 years one day opened his hive and with bafflement utter, "I just didn't know what has happened," he said, "I did never see any thing like that. There was plenty of honey, so I knew they didn't starve to death, but they were all dead." Another farmer, who wants to remain anonymous, opened his hives after the winter and to his shock discovers that most of his hives were empty and full of dead bees. Read More.

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