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- Nov. 4th 2008 is a landmark in modern world history

Nov. 4th 2008 is a landmark in modern world history

By Ibsaa Guutama
Work hard to get your own Abboomaa and be free! Bilisummaa is just a pace away! Yes, We Can!

Ibsaa GuutamaGubirmans - Nov 12, 2008 - As an Oromo refugee, I have enjoyed American hospitality and a life free from fear and threat for many years. My dream has always been the independence of my country Oromiyaa, and peace and stability for its neighbors. November 4, 2008 has strengthened this hope of mine. It is a landmark in modern world history. It is a day that stunned people of all races, creeds and walks of life. It was enough to witness how much emotion were aroused when tears were involuntarily flowing from the eyes of civil right veteran leaders like Jessie Jackson. Their struggle has reached beyond the right to equal treatment and the right to vote for which they paid heavy sacrifices. This was only yesterday. Now it became possible to be elected to the highest office of the land - breaking all taboos. They could not control their tears for it was phenomenal. "Yes, We Can" was the slogan of the elected from his campaign to victory speech. It echoed their hopes as expressed in the song "We shall overcome". Read More.

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