Press release from Mr. Hunde Dhugassa
OromiaTimes -
Mr. Hunde Dhugassa Ex-President of Jimma University Students' and Ethiopian Higher Learning Institutions Students' Union |
In my stay in Jimma University for the past five years studying law and serving the students union in different levels for two years in extracurricular activity, I have been through the horrible human right abuse in Ethiopia in general and Oromiya in particular.
The trauma of the TPLF (Tigray Peoples Liberation Front) led EPRDF government cruel and inhuman treatment of citizens dates back to its inception to power when they killed, torched, imprisoned and dismantled families under the guise of OLF (Oromo Liberation Front) supporters.
Then after the past 15 years TPLF followed the shot-to-hit and different methods of torching strategy to civilians raising the question of the right to self determination of Oromo people.
I remember the yearly students protest on this government just after it come to the power until this time but it is always boasting on its monopolised media about the extra judicial killings to families every time promising some more shot for more protest; accordingly TPLF led EPRDF government is responsible for the death ,causality and imprisonment of thousands of Oromo students and other nations in Ethiopia. To this end the TPLF house made party OPDO is serving as supporting hand to this cruel government act of murder and other inhuman acts for the past 15 years in Oromiya.
Almost all schools in Oromiya at all levels have experienced the bloody hand of TPLF government at different times and at some places every year.
On the protest of the decision to transfer the Oromiya capital from finfinne {Addis Ababa} to Adama alone; they have killed, imprisoned and dismantled thousands; a decision by which they regretted latter for a political benefit of getting the favour of the Oromo people in the post 2005 election. From Addis Ababa University alone more than 350 Oromo students were fired from school; letting other socio-economic, political and human crisis aside including the banning of Macha and Tulema Oromo self-help association ...